Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hump Day Prayer . . . General Assembly

As I am sure most of you know GA starts tomorrow, and anyone who has been to GA knows that everyone involved definitely needs our prayers. If anyone, both members of PC (USA) Bloggers and frequent readers, are attending this year’s event we would love to hear your observations and options of the goings on. Whether as a delegate, staffer, or simply as an observer it would be great to hear your first hand account. You can email your thoughts and I will post them.

Almighty God,
in Jesus Christ you called disciples
and, by the Holy Spirit, made them one church to serve you.
Be with members of our General Assembly.
Help them to welcome new things you are doing in the world,
and to respect old things you keep and use.
Save them from empty slogans or senseless controversy.
In their deciding,
determine what is good for us and for all people.
As this General Assembly meets,
let your Spirit rule,
so that our church may be joined in love and service to Jesus Christ,
who, having gone before us,
is coming to meet us in the promise of your kingdom.

BCW, Prayers for Various Occasions, Litanies and Prayers for Various Occasions, Prayers for the Church and Other People of Faith, For a Meeting of the General Assembly, Synod, or Presbytery

Resources for GA:

PC (USA)’a GA website.

Presbyterian Outlook has What'll be brewing in Birmingham? a printable scorecard. This grid contains a brief summary of the hot-button topics facing our denomination and room to track the results.

1 comment:

Gannet Girl said...

Defiantly, huh?


(Submitted by the Queen of Typos -- that's me)