Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Psalm 105

There are times in our lives when we just don’t seem to get it. These are moments when God is trying to speak to us, to communicate His will for our lives, and we just refuse to stop and listen. I have lived in this type of moment for years now, and have finally stopped and listened. We all have difficulty in remembering those difficult moments that we could have used as learning events for the future, but instead we tend to store them in the deep recesses of our minds, never to be revealed. This particular symptom is just the first of many that can be attributed to “selective memory syndrome” or SMS. Obviously this is my title to a fictitious ailment and not some official medical term, but I think it’s a very accurate description of a very common condition. This particular disease comes with all the known symptoms of avoidance, regret, disillusionment, forgetfulness, and the list goes on and on. We tend to avoid taking advantage of God’s method of teaching and feel that we know what is best to remember and what is not. This can be very dangerous to our health. This behavior tends to create stress, worry, resentment, anger and fear, all of which contribute to our physical well being. As children of God, we all need to be cognizant of our physical health, mental health and spiritual health. All of these work in harmony to create the Christian we all strive to be. Giving thanks to God for all of His blessings in our lives can improve our health and our outlook on the world we live in. It can give us hope that our current assignment on earth is just temporary, and that our permanent assignment in heaven is yet to come. Psalm 105 instructs us to remember to give thanks and praise for all of the good and merciful aspects of our great God. King David reminds us all that we are to reflect in praise, to remember all of the good things that God has done and continues to do for us in our lives today and always. I have written my own version of a “song of praise and thankfulness” to my God

My Psalm 105

Praise be to God for He has been a good shepherd to me, a lost sheep.
I will choose to serve Him and to spread the good news of His son Jesus Christ, who was crucified and buried, but was resurrected to save the world from sin.
In my darkest hour, He was there at my side, blessing the hands of my doctors, my healers.
In my darkest hour, He was there, giving me peace and confidence in His great power and mercy.
In my darkest hour, He was there, giving me patience, forgiveness and understanding, as I dealt with the pain and confusion of a marriage ending.
In my darkest hour, He was there, giving me the strength to start over, the trust to hope in His future for me.
In my darkest hour, He was there giving me the confidence and the trust that He wanted me seek Him and to choose the path less trodden.
In my darkest hour, He presented me with a true family of believers, a family that showed me just how loving and caring He can be, and helped me see and feel His blessings in my life and become a true pilgrim, seeking His Prevenient Grace.
In my darkest hour, He was there to help me come through this change and purge all the weight holding me back and genuinely trust in His grace and mercy.
Now, in my brightest hour, in my period of change, my time of renewal, I see clearly the path He is leading me down; A path of service, a path of worship and praise, a path of forgiveness. Now I see His light. It is now my desire to follow Him, to obey His will for my temporary assignment on earth, preparing me for my eternal assignment in His glorious Heaven.

I recommend that everyone create their own version of Psalm 105. It is a great exercise in giving thanks to our God for the many blessings He has bestowed on us, even though we do not deserve them. You need to make it personal, so that you can add to it as the blessings continue to flow freely from our loving God. It can do wonders for your mental and spiritual health. The only thing left to do is to lace up the running shoes and run to Him.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Love this. I am always amazed by people who don't find the Psalms to be the ultimate prayer book.