Thursday, January 01, 2009

Read and Learn -- Resolutions

It is that time of year again. Time to make New Year's Resolutions, and we have resolved to make a few -- with the usual expectations for keeping them of course.

First, we resolve to maintain the Book Club -- but to make it quarterly.
Second, we resolve to involve more member blogs (and their authors) in Thursday postings.
Third, we resolve to stay flexible in order to provide content that is as engaging as we can make it.
Fourth, we absolutely resolve to read more, think more and enjoy it all more in 2009!

Oh, and finally, we resolve to ask you what you would like to see here on Thursdays. So, since by the time you will be reading this, it will be the New Year; please tell us. What would you like to see here on Thursdays during 2009?

Happy New Year to all.

Quotidian Grace
Justice Seeker

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