Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Hump Day Prayer . . . Christian Education Week

With most children back in school, fall Sunday Schools gearing up, and Christian Education Week starting this coming Sunday, this weeks Hump Day Prayer is in honor of Teachers and once again comes to us the word of a hymn.
We Thank You, God, for Teachers
A Hymn for Christian Education
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We thank you, God, for teachers
Who help us learn your Way,
Who show by their example
How we can serve and pray,
Who find great joy in worship,
Who listen with concern;
For in their loving witness,
They help us want to learn.

We thank you, God, for children
And older people, too,
Who value times of learning
And want to grow in you,
Who seek your precious kingdom
And wisdom from above;
For wise ones of all ages
Still seek to learn your love.

We thank you, God, for families
Of every kind and size,
Who keep the vows they spoke when
Their children were baptized,
Who pray and read the Bible,
Who love and serve the poor;
They teach, by what they value,
The way of Christ our Lord.

We thank you, God, for churches
That welcome one and all,
That nurture every person
In answer to Christ’s call.
So fill us with your Spirit,
And give us life anew,
That we may help each other
Live faithfully in you.

Johann Steurlein, 1575 (“We Come as Guests Invited,” no. 517, The Presbyterian Hymnal)

Alternate Tune:
ellacombe (“I Sing the Mighty Power of God,” no. 288, The Presbyterian Hymnal)

Copyright 1999 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette.

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