Monday, December 14, 2009

Passing the Peace

Good morning, and happy Monday to you all!

I'm highlighting three blogs from our blog roll this morning.

First is Nancy Janisch from Conversation in Faith Weblog: a place for thoughtful, respectful discussion. In her recent post Incarnation, Nancy talks about what it really means to "put the Christ back in Christmas."

Second is Castaway from CovenantStuff: Sunday messages - Covenant Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles (Westchester), CA. "A mile north of LAX and a neighbor to the world!". Today's post is Joy Gets Serious and includes an anecdote about an old Scottish man and his two adult children living in England. Last week's sermon asks the question: what are you made of? I enjoy looking at a pastor's notes, even without hearing the full sermon to compare against.

Third this week is Sara of Crying in the Night, currently living in and blogging from China. She blogs about her experiences as a mother, a daughter, a Christian. Sara has a gift of expressing herself through her blog. After reading only a few posts, her "voice" really comes through and you feel like you know her, like you're invested in her life's journey.

Have a wonderful third week of advent. The Peace of Christ be with you.


Nancy said...

Thanks for mentioning my blog. I appreciate it.

Jody Harrington said...

Good job, Sarahlynn. I really enjoy your highlights of member blogs. This week I'm familiar with Crying In the Night (an compelling blog, you're so right) but not the other two.

Sarahlynn said...

Nancy, it's good stuff!

Quotidian Grace, I'm thinking of going through the blog roll alphabetically. There are so many good ones and I don't tend to read them all otherwise!

castaway said...

Thanks for the mention ... appreciate your work ...