But it is also good to be reminded that Presbyterians all over this country week in and week out do small and sometimes large things for the good of the cause of Christ. As I was searching the word "Presbyterian" through google news I ran across all kinds of stories, small ones mostly. Of course there are the stories of people taken to various Presbyterian hospitals, funeral announcements at Presbyterian churches, and the Presbyterian College football team whoopin' on somebody (or getting whooped). In addition you find stories of fundraisers, Trunk or Treats, a local congregation engaging in local community politics or participating in a local mission project.
As I clicked through link after link after link of Presbyterians in the news in the last 24 hours I thought of the impact that folks associated with a Presbyterian congregation and heritage have had and continue to have in our nation.
I felt good about that. It is something to honor as we acknowledge our Reformation heritage. I don't have a specific congregation or ministry to celebrate this week.
For Reformation Day I celebrate all you saints, including those of you I get into a snit with now and then.
John Shuck is the pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Elizabethton, Tennessee and he blogs at Shuck and Jive. Contact him with your joyful news at this E-mail.
Amen, Fellow saint! From Stushie the snitter...
Ha! Much more binds us than separates us, my friend. Yes, amen.
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