Friday, November 04, 2011

"God According to God"

There is no shortage of books on the topic of science and religion, there is much to chose from. One of my goals with these monthly posts is to suggest resources that will further the conversation between science and religion. Many Christians (myself included) don't read much outside our own faith tradition. As a way to begin to remedy that oversight, I want to bring Jewish author Gerald L. Schroeder's book, God According to God: A Scientist Discovers We've Been Wrong About God All Along to your attention. Schroeder is a physicist (he has a Ph.D. in physics and earth science from MIT) and a bible scholar. He has spent much of his professional life searching for and exploring the spiritual and physical unity in the world.
Schroeder's students, like many of us, wonder if God is in control why isn't the world perfect? He suggests that the problem isn't with God, as that question assumes. Rather the problem is with our "stunted perception of the biblical God that we imbibe in our youthful years".
So we grow up retaining this childhood notion of an all-powerful, ever present, ever involved, never erring Creator. Unfortunately, that image fails when as adults we discover that the facts of life are often brutally at odds with this popular, though misguided piece of wisdom.... By abandoning preconceived notions of the Author of creation and replacing them with the Bible's description and nature's display of God- we will learn about God according to God.

I'll confess that I have not finished reading this book, but so far I'm enjoying it immensely. Reading Jewish commentaries on Old Testament texts have always been enriching experiences for me. I am finding the insights of a Jewish scientist on the relationship between science and religion equally enriching. You and I may or may not agree with all of Schroeder's ideas but our thinking about science and scripture and God will be expanded and enhanced by them.

What interfaith or non Christian resources have you found helpful as you think about the relationship between science and religion?

Thanks to the Grand Dialogue Book discussion group for introducing me to this book.

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