Monday, June 28, 2010

Welcome Mat, Ending Hunger Edition

Apologies for my absence last week!  We were on vacation in Michigan, and I confess that I did not miss my internet connection.  At all.  But of course  I'm glad to be back, especially since we have a new member of the PC(USA) blog ring to welcome today.

A hearty summer welcome to Krista Phillips, who blogs at Rooted in Christ.  Krista is a Junior Theological Studies major at Hanover College, living each day giving thanks to God and praising God for all of life's blessings.  She loves being outdoors, reading, and working (or playing in the Presbyterian Archives).

Though she doesn't know it, Krista and I have a connection.  My father and sister are alumni of Hanover College, a wonderful Presbyterian school.

Here's Krista's description of Rooted in Christ: "This site is a blog all about what it is to be rooted in Christ. Colossians 2:6-7 says As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

Included in the blog are some posts on theology, mission trips, sermons, and anything I feel led to share with the world. I hope to encourage others as well as myself to continue being rooted in Christ so the world can see what it is to live in response to rooting yourself in Christ so that you can be overflowing with Thanksgiving.

All of my posts are practical ways in which I have either acted out being rooted and built up in Him or ways in which I hope to challenge myself and others to place our roots a little deeper so that our branches can reach further in the world. The mission trips I blog about have all been local to me so far. One was to Eastern Kentucky in the Appalachian Mountains and the other was out of a response to the flood in Nashville. I also have a few blogs responding to tragedies and disasters that have happened, such as the coal mining accident at the Upper Big Branch Mine."

There's something else I'd like to highlight today.  While on vacation I got an email from Rev. Bryan Field McFarland, singer/songwriter & hunger action advocate: 
Hello Presbyterian Bloggers,

My name is Rev. Bryan Field McFarland.  I am the PCUSA Hunger Action Advocate
in North Carolina's Salem Presbytery.

I'd love to add our project - - as a topic for

We will tithe the production costs giving 10% of $15,000 to the Presbyterian
Hunger Program AND at least 20% of the profits will also go to the
Presbyterian Hunger Program.

Our project is guided by the 5 areas of the Presbyterian Hunger Program.
EVERY action, EVERY event, EVERY product related to this project will reflect
at least ONE of the Five Program Areas of the Presbyterian Hunger Program:

1. Direct Food Relief
2. Development Assistance
3. Influencing Public Policy
4. Life-style Integrity
5. Education and Interpretation

Pledging ends June 30, 2010!

Sure would love to add to page featuring blogs
that are covering "...until all are fed".

See that page at:

Thanks for your consideration.

In Christ,



  1. The world of Hanover College is so small but still so connected!
    Thanks for the warm hearty welcome!!
