Monday, February 01, 2010

Welcome Mat

Welcome to Stephen Kliewer from Dancing our Faith. "It may seem odd for a Presbyterian to create a blog titled dancing faith. After all, Presbyterians are not known for spontaneity. And therein lies the rub, for too often our faith is stale and boring and we stop exploring and growing. This is a blog that will present thoughts that emerge as I work with people with mental illness, serve as a minister in a small rural church, read, and watch life unfold around me. I hope what I share will help you dance with the Spirit that is in you."

Rev. Kliewer describes himself compellingly:
I am a seeker. I am a person who has always been afflicted with a certain degree of what I like to think is "divine discontent." But perhaps it is just discontent, or worse yet, dis-ease. What ever it is, I am always looking for something more. More self, more generosity, more joy, more hope, more God. I want to be fully alive, fully human, and yes, fully God's. I work as a mental health director, and as a part-time pastor in a very rural Presbyterian Church in a town of between 200-300 people. The church averages 40-45 people on a Sunday morning. An odd mix of people including executives, farmers, ranchers, loggers, social workers, and more. We have people who are conservative (very) and liberal (very). We have people who are the fourth generation in this church, transplanted Baptists, and a few people who don't know what they are, but they know they like it here. I read a lot. I think a lot, perhaps too much. And there are times when I just have to put it all down on paper. And thus this blog. Reflections on life, God, love, hope and more.


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