Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Read and Learn: Now on Wednesdays!

Happy Wednesday! The weekly posts for "Read and Learn" which used to be on Thursdays will now be on Wednesdays. In addition, along with Quotidian Grace and JusticeSeeker, there will be a third writer: and that's where I come in. My name is Sara Green and I blog over at The Pinkhammer Blog. I am a seminary student at Princeton Theological Seminary and have just started the Spring semester of my first year here. While I am not yet sure what God is calling me to do after seminary, I am (mostly) enjoying the process of trying to figure that out both here at seminary and as an Inquirer in the ordination process. And I say "mostly" because, well...God has a funny way of keeping things interesting along the way that can be rather frustrating. But I am sure I am not telling you anything you haven't already been through yourself. Though I am exploring campus/college ministry and teaching, I am also very excited about pastoral ministry.

My classes this semester are a New Testament Survey class, a history class that focuses on church and state dynamics from the medieval to reformation time periods, and a practical theology class that focuses on Carl Rogers understanding of pastoral care. Oh! And a worship class on the Psalms which I am taking for my own spiritual development though I can tell it will help immensely with planning and leading worship in the future. I am sure some of my posts will reflect things that come up along the way, but if anyone has a particular interest related to these items, please feel free to leave a comment here and I can blog about it either in the "Read and Learn" posts or over at my blog. I also enjoy peppermint mochas and love photography. : )


  1. Welcome Sara, I'm one of the other new (to here) bloggers. I too went through seminary with no idea what I was to do after. But I thought seminary was alot of fun! Looking forward to your posts here.

  2. Glad to have you, Sara. I have no calling to the ministry of word and sacrament, but I have always thought that seminar would be a blast. I'm envious. Good luck to you.

    Norman, OK

  3. Welcome aboard, Sara. I also say "Thank you" to you, Quotidian Grace and Justice Seeker for your willingness to switch from Thursdays to Wednesdays. It looks like I am going to have a tough act to follow when I post my first Lectionary Ruminations tomorrow.
