Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday Devotions: Chess Sets

Lectionary Verse: Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (NIV)

When I have the time, I love making chess sets. Over the years I have molded, modeled and painted several different sets, which include soldiers from the Civil War, elves and goblins from Tolkein's books, and a medieval Scottish set that was discovered on the Isle of Lewis and was consequently seen in the first Harry Potter movie.

Most of the finished sets are in my church office and I am delighted when people enjoy looking at them. The only thing is, I never play chess anymore. I can't quite make the time, so these wonderful game pieces just stay on their boards, never to be moved. Some day I'll get round to playing, but at the moment, these chess sets are immobile.

Today's verse reminded me that God makes us in much the same way, but that we are not destined to be immobile, indifferent or insensitive to things and events around us. Paul states it clearly when he writes that we are created to do good works, which God has prepared for us to accomplish. In other words, each one of us was created for a purpose; all of us were made for a significant reason.

Wherever we are today, and whatever we face, let's take and fulfill the opportunities to do good that God gives us. After all, He made us in Christ Jesus to do them, bringing help to other people and glorifying His holy name.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, give us the courage to help other people who are in need today. Grant us willing hearts to serve God's kingdom in this special, pre-determined and purposeful way, so that we may also bring those others closer to You. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. He writes a daily devotional blog called Heaven's Highway.


  1. Great post, Stushie! Another thing I didn't know about you and another reason why I secretly like you.

    A chess player. And a maker of chess sets to boot.

    We have to get together and play a game.

    If you make the time and give me an invite I'll play you a game on one of your sets!

    Blessed Lent and Easter..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Isn't it amazing that God prepared in advance for what he called us to do in Christ. Thank you Stushie. And he prepared you to do wonderful art including those delightful chess sets that we all might be blessed in Jesus Christ though you. what a wonderful lord.

  4. We need to do lunch sometime soon John. What's halfway between Elizabethtown, - Jonesboro, Greenville, or Morristown?

  5. Greeneville is a good spot. E-mail me and let's set it up.

    johnashuck at embarqmail dot com
