Jesus is foot stompin' in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. The First Presbyterian Church is one of the hosts of a traditional music festival:

The festival begins 7 p.m. Friday with a workshop and jam session at the Country Hearth Inn in Elizabethtown. It will continue all day Saturday at First Presbyterian Church on Pear Orchard Road, also in Elizabethtown. The festival concludes with a hymn sing on Sunday.
Previous events have drawn crowds of 100 people from Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, Alabama and Missouri. Club president Claudia Tamplin said people have a lot to learn and enjoy at the festival.
“Learn a new song or two and maybe a new playing technique,” Tamplin said. “Have some fun, meet new people and hear good music played by old or new favorite musicians.”
Good music. Good fun. It's the Presbyterian way.John Shuck is the pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Elizabethton, Tennessee and he blogs at Shuck and Jive. Contact him with your joyful news at this E-mail.
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